(*K - 6TH GRADERS ONLY) GAME ON! Vacation Bible School
Mon, Jun 25th 6:15pm - 9:15pm
Education Building

REGISTRATION IS FOR K- 6TH GRADERS ONLY!! Vacation Bible School's pre-registration is on-going. VBS is for children entering Kindergarten through completed sixth grade. It is where kids come for four evenings and learn various Bible Lessons, enjoy crafts, run off energy in recreation, eat a snack, sing and move to music, and learn about missions. This Summer's theme is GAME ON! Monday, June 25 to Thursday, June 28 from 6:15pm-9:15pm with a Celebration Sunday, on July 1, 2018. Celebration Sunday is where kids sing a song, recite the memory verse, theme and motto as part of Worship Service.